Teens and Open Adoption

A Catholic open adoption allows you to communicate with the biological parent from even before the completion of the adoption. In an ideal adoption, your child already has formed a strong bond with the birth mom. Through phone calls, social media communication or visits, your child should have been able to ask and answer questions of the birth mom from an early age. By the time the child is a teen, many of the questions he or she has will have already been answered.
The changes during teenage years may cause your child to re-question all of those things that have been readily available for years. A teenager might protest against the “easy answers” that have been offered. He or she may believe there are factors that have been hidden or details left out. If your teenager begins to question these things, offer to go through the adoption paperwork. Let your teen see how much work, effort, love and prayer went into the adoption. Allow him or her to read through all of the files. Sharing this will help your teen to understand exactly how honest you have been.

Let your teen be instrumental in the decision making process. While you are still the parent, your teenager also wants, needs and deserves to have some power and freedom. Work with your teen, letting him or her always know that you are glad to have been chosen to be a forever mom.